Age: 38

Star sign: Libra

Tell us about your day job: Some people call me a magician- but I’m just a baker and part owner of Goodwood Bakeshop.

Favourite thing to do when you’re not doing your day job? Going to other bakeries and sampling their delights/ reading Manga and hanging with my cats!

How long have you been coming to Scout Pilates? For 5 months.

What keeps you coming back? The people. The challenges that I set for myself and also the unknown. Being on my feet all day can be fatiguing but once I’m on the reformer I seem to become revitalized.

Favourite class and why? Reformer Elevate & Circuit - good energy and brilliant teachers!

Favourite Pilates pose? Snake charmers to a pike or any of those variations.

Enough Pilates chat, what in your life gives you the most energy? Sitting down with a cup of tea and a book or going for a bike ride. Sydney has some great bike paths if you’re up for an adventure.

Tell us your favourite place to eat or drink in the Inner West and what you order when you’re there? Tipo 00 in Balmain - they make an incredible Balmain bug pizza  with Dior di latte/ sorrel and chilli oil. Simple. Fantastic. Get in my mouth!

What advice would you give to your 15-year-old self? Well if I actually listened to my future self then I would say be big and bold - don’t be afraid to step outside the window of your comfort zone. Stay curious!

If you could travel ANYWHERE tomorrow where would you go? Italy- incredible landscapes/rich culture and excellent produce. Swimming in the ocean on the Amalfi coast with a Negroni in hand is an experience. I’d go in a heartbeat.

What goal do you want to achieve in 2024? Prioritize more self care and stay connected with friends and family.